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Do Dental Crowns Hurt When Installed and After the Procedure

Do Dental Crowns Hurt When Installed and After the Procedure?

Dental crowns are custom-made caps that restore damaged or weakened teeth. They help improve the tooth’s shape, strength, and appearance. Thanks to advancements in dentistry, getting a crown is now a more comfortable experience.

But, do dental crowns hurt when installed and after the procedure? Dr. Bernstein from Gentle Dental in Newark, New Jersey says, “No, we do it under local anesthesia, so patients don’t feel anything. There might be very mild sensitivity for a few hours after the procedure.”

Book an appointment today to experience comfortable dental crown services at Gentle Dental.

Do Dental Crowns Hurt?  Typically a pain-free

Dental crowns are typically a pain-free procedure. Dentists place these caps or covers over the teeth and crowns typically don’t affect the sensitive inner parts of the teeth, such as the nerves. There are two phases of the dental crown treatment.

During the Crown Installation

As mentioned earlier, local anesthesia is used to prevent pain during the procedure. It eliminates any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Patients remain awake during the procedure but won’t feel any pain.

After the Treatment

Once the procedure is done, local anesthesia loses its effectiveness shortly. Some patients may feel slight discomfort or sensitivity after the procedure. This sensitivity is usually mild and can be due to temporary exposure of the tooth’s sensitive areas. The discomfort or sensitivity fades away in a few hours.

At Gentle Dental, we may recommend personalized care routines or over-the-counter medications to help alleviate any post-procedure discomfort. 

Additionally, we use the latest dental technologies to ensure a precise and comfortable experience for our patients. Overall, dental crown treatment is a pain-free process, so there’s no need for patients to be concerned.

How Comfortable is Getting Multiple Dental Crowns?

The process for placing dental crowns is the same whether you are getting one or several. Local anesthesia is used to ensure the procedure is pain-free, so you won’t feel anything around the treated teeth. 

Even when receiving multiple crowns, most patients experience a similar level of comfort as with a single crown. Opting for multiple crowns in one visit means you’ll only go through the recovery period once, which can be both convenient and more comfortable for many patients.

How Does the Recovery Period Feel After a Dental Crown?

Thanks to modern dental techniques, most patients experience only mild, temporary discomfort following the procedure. In most cases, any discomfort subsides within 4 to 5 hours, allowing patients to resume their normal activities by the next day.

During recovery, it is best to avoid hot or cold foods and drinks to prevent sensitivity. Steering clear of hard or crunchy foods can also speed up recovery and minimize discomfort.

Aftercare Tips After Getting Crowns

  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss carefully around the crown to keep the area clean and prevent plaque buildup.
  • If you grind or clench your teeth at night, use a night guard to protect your crowns from damage.
  • For the first 24-48 hours after the procedure, chew on the opposite side of your mouth to allow the crown to properly settle without added pressure.

Dental Crowns for a Healthier Smile: Comfortable Treatment at Gentle Dental!

Dental crowns can significantly improve your oral health, boost your confidence, and enhance your overall well-being. At Gentle Dental, our experienced team provides painless and long-lasting dental crown services. Get your dental crowns fitted in a comfortable environment and overcome the fear of pain.

Call 973-817-8888 today and book an appointment if you live in Newark, New Jersey, or nearby areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do dental crown materials impact the discomfort level?

Not usually. We recommend the most suitable crown material for each patient, and our materials are chosen for their comfort and durability.

Q: Does eating after a crown installation hurt?

Eating hard foods like nuts, ice, candies, and raw apples may cause temporary discomfort. We recommend patients avoid such foods for at least 24 hours after the crown installation. It helps them recover quickly.

Q: Does brushing after a dental crown hurt?

The gum may be a bit tender after the crown installation. After the procedure, patients should avoid brushing the crown area vigorously for about 24-48 hours. Normal brushing after this period causes no pain.

Q: Do dental crowns hurt while biting?

Bite interference can cause discomfort or pain if the crown installation is incorrect. We ensure there is no bite interference after the dental crown treatment.


This article is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice. Consult your physician for any medical concerns or before starting any treatment. Do not ignore professional medical advice due to the information read here. The authors are not responsible for any outcomes from the use of this information.

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